BC is the most expensive place to buy real estate on a single income

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Visit original story by Sarah Anderson at https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/expensive-buy-real-estate-single-income

Independent and hoping to buy a home? Chances are slim of affording it in BC.

A new Zoocasa report looked at which Canadian cities are the most affordable for single buyers. It also looked at which property types would be the best option.

Spoiler alert: Detached homes are virtually unaffordable for single buyers in Canada, except in one place.

“The only city where the average cost of a detached home was affordable for a single-income buyer earning the median income was Saint John, where the average income of $48,000 could afford the average detached home at $261,000,” said Zoocasa. Overall, apartments were the most affordable, followed by townhouses.